Hi and welcome to Primary practice – here you can find the support you need to assist you both in your classroom practice and in your role within the School
On looking through the site you will notice that we don’t include lesson content. Content is out there on the internet in bucket loads from publishers materials to lesson plans that anyone could deliver – so we don’t!
What we offer are the support mechanisms that will enhance your classroom and your teaching – allowing you to be the most effective Teacher possible for your children.
How organised are you – how determined are you and how professional are you?
Now – it doesn’t matter whether you’re a NQT, a PGCE teacher or have been teaching for years, it doesn’t matter whether you are a class teacher , have a management role or are senior School management – there are always things that can catch you sideways and you think ”wow now what do I do?” or “why is this going wrong?” or maybe its just that you want to look at something to do with your personal organisation or your role in the school.
This site can help…the series of blogs written are grouped under context headings allowing you to find advice and guidance on a wide ranging series of issues that arise in schools whether it is in classroom management, school organisation or senior management issues – Dr Charles Watson gives you the support and mechanisms to address situations successfully, deal with problems as they arise or to plan ahead for successful project implementation – with over 30 years experience at all levels in Primary Education – you know that you will be getting experienced advice and support when and in whatever context you need it.
So keep smiling, believe in yourself and lets teach !

ECTs we have a problem (2)
In part 1 we considered the problems that ECTs were having with poor school support and also through the unnecessary choice by the school of inappropriate classes. We also touched briefly on the Induction programme and the amount of material that is incorporated in...

ECTs – we have a problem (1)
It’s a bit of a sobering thought really – we’re not even to 1/2 term and the so called, “well trialled” ECT induction programme is starting to creak and cause problems! But let’s divert away from that for a second and look at a...

ECT Induction guidelines summary
IntroductionThe Government guidelines for Early Career Teachers was published in March 2021 and comes into force in September 2021. “So why was it introduced and what’s it all about?“The bottom line on this is in response to the alarming rate that...
Your Guide through the “perils” of Primary School Teaching is
Dr Charles Watson.
With over 30 years experience at all levels of Primary Education he writes with purpose, directness and a much needed sense of humour.
Charles has spent his career exclusively in Primary Schools varying from small village schools to very large inner city establishments with multi level staff organisation. His writing reflects the situations he has encountered and the solutions found including do’s and don’ts based on the harsh realities of success and failure!
“Teaching is a multi skilled and multi layered career – it is most definitely NOT based on the delivery of material to classes full of enraptured children (if only that was the case!) – successful teachers like successful sportsmen and women and successful business leaders make the job look easy. But look closer and you will see the hard work and preparation and practice that has got them to this point.”
All teachers; just like all children, are individuals – Charles is here to help you develop your own style and approach and point you in the direction you want to go.
Recent Posts
ECTs we have a problem (2)
In part 1 we considered the problems that ECTs were having with poor school support and also through the unnecessary choice by the school of inappropriate classes. We also touched briefly on the Induction programme and the amount of material that is incorporated in...
ECTs – we have a problem (1)
It’s a bit of a sobering thought really – we’re not even to 1/2 term and the so called, “well trialled” ECT induction programme is starting to creak and cause problems! But let’s divert away from that for a second and look at a...
ECT Induction guidelines summary
IntroductionThe Government guidelines for Early Career Teachers was published in March 2021 and comes into force in September 2021. “So why was it introduced and what’s it all about?“The bottom line on this is in response to the alarming rate that...
Early Careers Framework
A brief summary… What is the Early Career Framework? The early career framework (ECF) was designed to make sure Early Career Teachers focus on learning the things that make the most difference in the classroom and their professional practice. ECF based training...
Sorting your class into ability groups.
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Support and training in your Induction Period – just how good should it be?
This applies right across your teaching training course and into your induction period- so it should be good….shouldn’t it? There are many and varied ways to train to be a teacher – yet all should, in theory, prepare you to the same level of...